Friday, September 25, 2009

I Did It!!!

For those of you who don't know my major is Early Childhood Education. I am not yet in the program, but I have been able to apply for over a year now but due to procrastination it hasn't gotten done. I finally came to a fork in the road where I either had to apply ASAP or else I would no longer have any classes to take without being in the program. The ONE thing holding me back was my **** math ACT score. The program requires a 18 and I got a 17. I finally built up to courage to take it (I HATE MATH) and guess what score I got!!! 17! Yep that's right...same score as before. This apparently got me NO WHERE! The bad thing about this is you are not allowed to take the ACT until 60 days after you first took it. This would make it so I would not be able to apply for the program by the deadline of Oct 1. After a LONG, confusing, frustrating, and pricey process, I was told that I could take the Praxis Test which would then allow me to apply by Oct 1. I have been studying for this test ALL week long. I went into the testing center at 1:30 and after saying a little prayer I was confident and ready to begin.
After I finished the 2 hour test I was so incredibly anxious to see my score. I couldn't remember the passing score, but I was feeling pretty dang good about it and thought I passed for sure. I started walking (more like an old people mall walk) to the education building ready to turn in my application for the program. It was then that I remembered the conversation I had with my advisor only a few days previous about the passing score. She told me if you take the written math test then the passing score is 173, the computerized passing score is 310. I took the computerized test and the score that I had just received was...177!
At that moment I started shaking, feeling weak in the knees, and tears started breaking through the surface. I decided to take the elevator to the third floor this time just in case I went into cardiac arrest. I did not want to be tumbling down the stairs.
I walked into my advisor's office with a very sad puppy face (I knew she liked puppies so I thought it might make her feel extra sorry for me) I told her I got a 177 and reminded her that she had told me 310 was passing. I told her I didn't understand how that was possible because I felt really good about the test. She went out of the room to talk to "the boss". Meanwhile, I was just freaking out (underneath my skin of course) PRAYING that there was a mistake in the passing score. She came in with a smile on her face and the tears started coming back but this time tears that you would receive prancing across the meadow with a slice of pie in your hand. I didn't want her to see those tears so I was tough and held them back! We filled out the application and when I left her office I called my mom. That is when I really started crying. My voice was cracky on the phone and my mom kept saying..What? what? Obviously she didn't know I was being attacked by my joyful emotions!
Anyways to make a LONG story short...I finally passed the stinkin test and applied for the eled program!!! Life is good!

ps. Will someone please train my husband because when I called to tell him that I was ready for him to pick me up he never once asked how it went. :( is that a normal guy thing?


Connie said...

Good Job! We're proud of you. I'm sure you are so relieved. Enjoy your weekend:)

Cravings said...

So when I read your comment I was like who the heck is Kylee Edwards LOL You are are adorable!!! Your family is so cute! I'm so glad you blog too! I love it I'm glad now I can see what you are up too. I'm going to add you to my friends if thats ok.

Keisha said...

lol! Good job ky!

Ryan and Ali said...

Yay!! I'm so glad that you passed the test and applied!!

And yes I'm pretty sure that is a guy thing. ha

Josh and Lyndi Smith said...

Congrats! I am so glad it worked out!

lynnett said...

Way to go Kylee!!!