These are the certain measures that should be followed when using twitter in the classroom…
1-“Twitter is meaningless without a network, which must be willing to share to engage, to provoke, to discuss etc.” I feel like this guideline is basically saying that unless you don’t have others cooperating then twitter is going to be worthless. It is not going to have any purpose if only the teacher and maybe a few others get involved in it. It should be a community with everyone involved.
2-Make sure you go through the details of twitter with your students or parents before you expect them to jump into it. With all of the different ‘twitter talk’ it could be confusing for them. You need to teach them like you are starting from scratch and be prepared to always have to give direction and help out students & parents.
3- twittering inside or outside of class should be about learning. If you find that twittering has become distractive and not serving an effective purpose, then you should rethink how and why you are using twitter. If you don’t feel that your students are getting something beneficial from it and taking away positive things, then it may not be the best choice.
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