Monday, October 31, 2011

A Day on the Farm

One thing that we LOVE about our ward is our pretty awesome Bishop and his sweet wife. They have a farm in Lewiston and he has been telling us to come out so Nixon could feed the cows. We've been out there a couple times before for ward parties, but never a one-on-one farm tour with the bishop! Nixon was in HEAVEN. He wouldn't leave the bishops side. He got to help drive the vroom vroom, feed the cows, and even got to play in their house with all their toys and got spoiled with treats! We had such a fun time! Conner was just in awe as Nixon was with it all. Conner had never seen a dairy farm before so he was pretty amazed. I guess you could say I was prepared with all of the farm field trips in elementary school! haha! Guess that's the difference being from Seattle vs. Nephi, Utah!

The beauty of potty training, just whip it out why dontcha? Why can't it be that easy for me? I'm the pregnant one that ALWAYS has to go! (TMI...sorry! haha)

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