So for a while now I have needed to go under the knife. I was planning on it last year, but then the shocking news of my baby boys arrival soon followed! So, today was the day.
For those of you who don't know, my father-in-law is a GREAT oral surgeon. Yesterday he had me get an x-ray and said we couldn't wait any longer. I was in this morning at 10 to get all four teeth pulled.
Boy was I nervous! Not about anything other than being put to sleep. It was my first time and I was so nervous I wouldn't come out of it. Well after the surgery was finished they had me sleep it off on a little bed. When the nurse came to say I could go home I was actually dissapointed. I really wanted to stay there for hours longer. It was nice to get some sleep!
From the memories I have of others getting their wisdom teeth pulled I just think of big swollen cheeks, pain, and infection. Well, like I said my father-in-law is GREAT! Not just great, but AWESOME! I came home to take a couple hour nap (maybe longer) and I was ready to get going. We went to Red Robin and the mall. I still feel a LITTLE soreness but other than that I am totally fine! It is nice to finally have it done with!
Thank you Dr. Ricky! :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Very Handsome Little Fella
I just had to post this because I can't get over how stinkin' cute he is! Is that okay for me to say? Hope so! He's a doll!!!
ps. Our cousin Ashlee took this adorable picture at our sealing! Thanks again Ash! Love 'em! :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
iF YoU LOvE mE
Today was a special day for my hubby and I at the local Spoon Me here in town. Every day they have a random name day. If your name is listed on one of the calendar days then you get a free frozen yogurt. Well, today was CONNER day! Not only is that cool, but every Tuesday they choose a different occupation. If you have proof and can show ID then you get a free spoon me as well. Not only was today Conner day, but it was also LIBRARIAN day! Is that a coincidence or what? It truly must be love! Before work Conner and I (And of course our little bamboosel) had to get ourselves TWO free Spoon Me frozen yogurts. It was a GOOD day!
Support For My Sissy
My sister really does have a hard time lately blogging about her little kidlets. I get on her case quite often, but she still doesn't do anything about it. Instead, she just recently came up with a new blogging idea which she is just beginning to start from scratch. It sounds like it could be pretty neat. Here is what she has posted on her family blog to "advertise"....
Howdy Folks! I know it's been a while, but I wanted to let you know about my new project. I am starting a new blog called "The Quest to Become a Well Rounded Woman." I am hoping that I can get contributors to post tutorials about different subjects and areas. That way, we can get a little taste of a lot of things in one place. I think that I will be able to get more contributors once my readers/followers increase, so if you are interested, please check out the blog, maybe even become a follower. You could even go above and beyond the call of duty and post a little blurb about it on your own blogs. I am also always looking for contributors, so if you have a special interest in anything from scrapbooking to cooking, to home improvement, you name it, please let me know and I would love to feature a post from you.
Howdy Folks! I know it's been a while, but I wanted to let you know about my new project. I am starting a new blog called "The Quest to Become a Well Rounded Woman." I am hoping that I can get contributors to post tutorials about different subjects and areas. That way, we can get a little taste of a lot of things in one place. I think that I will be able to get more contributors once my readers/followers increase, so if you are interested, please check out the blog, maybe even become a follower. You could even go above and beyond the call of duty and post a little blurb about it on your own blogs. I am also always looking for contributors, so if you have a special interest in anything from scrapbooking to cooking, to home improvement, you name it, please let me know and I would love to feature a post from you.
Thanks so much for your support!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Going, Going, & More Going!
And here is to ANOTHER gigantic post covering a months spread! Enjoy!!!

Ali's, Kylee's, Ryan's, Conner's. Very cute!!!

This picture is from today of our sick baby! :(

Happy Halloween!!!
We had a great halloween. We had a party at my parent's house which turned out super fun. My mom and I spent all day getting things ready for the party and making lots and lots of cupcakes! For the party we had dinner, carved pumpkins, had a cake wake (or cupcake), played bingo, and went trick-or-treating. Conner was bacon, I was an egg, and Nixon was a skeleton. It was a very fun weekend! Thanks ma and pa! :)

Conner's pumpkin, Mine, and Nixon's. Nixon's pumpkin is kinda weird but it is suppose to be #1's in honor of his first halloween!

And he's going....
My brother-in-law opened up his call a few weeks ago at our house. He is going to be serving in the Dallas Texas mission and will leave December 30th! We are so excited for him! Love ya Austin! Oh and even though he probably doesn't even know this blog exists I thought I'd give him a birthday shout out! Happy Birthday Pork! He didn't have such of a great b-day due to swine flu but hopefully he'll get better soon and we can celebrate it in a better way!!
Couple Retreat
On October 15th Conner and I got on a plane and flew to SAN DIEGO!!! We had free flights from our rapid rewards that had to be used by the end of the month so my sweet hubby planned this entire trip without be knowing much about it. He didn't want me to know where we were going, but it slipped. He tried covering it by saying SANDY utah...I figured it out quite simply after that! We had such a great time. We missed Nixon, but it was still super nice being together ALONE. It was the first time we had ever been away together alone for a year when we went to Sun Valley. It is very due!!
We stayed on Coronado was BEAUTIFUL!
Day 1: We flew in late, so we only had time for dinner...a walk on the tub...and bed! Day 2- Ate breakfast at a delicious diner, rented bikes and road around the island, played at the beach, swam at the hotel, toured downtown San Diego, went on a dinner dance cruise ship.

Day 3- We spent the day in San Diego. We made the mistake of taking an hour ride train ride basically RIGHT next to the border all for some outlets. It was fun but we both wish we would have spent our limited time else where! Anyways after that we toured the Gaslamp then headed back to Coronado for our last night. We loved walking around Coronado and are so glad we stayed there rather than san diego.
It was a short trip but a very well needed and fun trip!
FHE...making pumpkin goodies for neighbors!
Pumpkin Carving/ Scary Movie Night
It seems like EVERY Wednesday we are with our good friends Ryan and Ali. We carved pumpkins and watched the freakiest movie ever made. It changed my life for the bad! haha

7 month old baby boy!!! WOW!
It's official! Our big fella is getting older and older by the minute. He is now 7 months old! (Even older due to my late post!) He has been such a sweetheart! He is still not crawling but he sure is trying to figure it out...well kinda. I know he is probably big enough to sit in the big tub but it is ME who is not ready for that yet. So he is still in Mr. Whale! However, he has learned to sit up in Mr. Whale which is pretty scary because he tends to fall forward quite often. Today he has been sick with a fever and not into eating. It's been so sad. I stayed home from work to be with him and he laid on the love sac snuggled up to me for a good 2 1/2 hours! I know I could have put him in his bed since it was well past his bed time but Nixon NEVER cuddles so I was so happy he finally was. Even though I was sad at the same time that the poor boy isn't feeling well. Nixon still cries for me when I'm in the room and not holding him and he especially cries whenever I leave the room. Conner is the fun one. He can get Nixon to laugh like crazy! I don't know how he does it, but it is SO cute! Nixon is already so fascinated with his Daddy. He is always watching his every move. The each sit on the couch with a remote in their hands. Like father like son I guess! We love our little guy so stinkin much! He is truly the joy of our lives!!!

He always sleeps the weirdest ways! I don't get how he can move upside down and all around in such a tiny little space! I love peaking in at him each night to see how cute he looks and what sleeping position he is in!

Whenever Conner gets Nixon ready it is very interesting to see how he will have Nixon dressed or hair done.One day I came home and his hair was out of control! Conner told me he was trying to go for the Kameron look (my cute little cousin we lived with) I know Kameron would be proud but Nixon's hair didn't come close to Kameron! haha at least he tried! Another day Conner had him dressed as Mr. GQ. Oh it's fun!!

Happy Halloween!!!
We had a great halloween. We had a party at my parent's house which turned out super fun. My mom and I spent all day getting things ready for the party and making lots and lots of cupcakes! For the party we had dinner, carved pumpkins, had a cake wake (or cupcake), played bingo, and went trick-or-treating. Conner was bacon, I was an egg, and Nixon was a skeleton. It was a very fun weekend! Thanks ma and pa! :)

Last night I told my two friends that they HAD to go to a Zumba class with me. The guys came over to watch the world series why Shannon, Ali, and myself headed out for a Latin treat. We had such a good time and a great workout too! The guys were quite surprised to see us come back sweaty! We loved it so much that we bought a punch card. We are planning to go every Monday and Wednesday night. We also bought Zumba workout tanks! It is such a fun way to workout. I was shocked to see the wide range of age that was there. It ranged anywhere from 17-60. We are so excited to be doing something that can give us a girls night while working out all at the same time!

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