Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is a great site with many different guidlines and do's for the blogging world (for educational purposes). One of the things that I liked was that teachers need to conduct themselves in a professional manner on their blog. Even though it is only a blog it is important to treat it like a classroom. A DO NOT listed on this site is to not give out any personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, etc. ESPECIALLY OF YOUR STUDENTS!!

We don't ever know exactly who is reading our blog and we can have hundreds of readers without really even knowing. The thing that is important to realize is that we can have people view our blogs that we don't expect to or want to view it. We need to know that anyone can eventually find out blog simply by typing our names in google. We need to except the consequences of that and realize the importance of knowing what is and what isn't appropriate to post on your blog. Especially being a teacher.

To go along with the first link I listed, this site has said that we need to think of our blog as an extention of the classroom and we should only say and do things that we would do or say in the classroom. We absolutley should not write anything that we would not say in the classroom. We need to make our blog very appropriate and welcoming, just like the classroom.

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