Thursday, March 11, 2010

Domestic He Bee!!

Nixon is becoming to be quite the "BUSY BEE". He is always going here and going there. It is fun to see how curious he has become. Conner and I were laughing about how he has a little cycle he does when he is playing in our bedroom. First he sees the TV extension cord behind the entertainment stand, so he plays with that. (Don't worry it is safe!). Then the cable cords catch his eye...(They are still visible because of how our dumb outlets are set up...kinda sucks but at least they are on the side of the bed no one sees...sorry I have to give an explanation so you don't think we have cords everywhere!) When he gets over to that and tugs on it for a bit he soon notices Conner's phone charging on the side of the bed. So off he goes to try to get that. Then he makes it back to the center of the room, plays with his toys, goes over to the window, stands up and watches the cars. Last he notices the vent and plays with that for a bit. Then the cycle continues...continues...and continues. He kind of reminds me of Dory from Finding Nemo. If only I knew what he was thinking. "Oh wow look at the cord, COOL! There is my Daddy's phone, Wow, I can see out the window." Then again, "Oh wow look at the cord, COOL! There is my Daddy's phone,...." Oh the poor kid!

Playin' with the gate...

I love my sleepin' boy! He looks so cute and his sleeping positions crack me up!

 I walked in to get him from his nap and found him like this. He messes with those bumper pads too much, but now he decided to use it as a blanket!

The reason for my title of DOMESTIC He Bee, is because not only is he a busy BEE but he is also very domestic, or at least tries to be. Today he helped me make cookies. He loved looking in the oven keeping an eye on them to make sure Mommy didn't burn the cookies. Everywhere we go he is sure to follow. When I got into the laundry room he is right there by me. Sometimes I have to be careful I don't shut the door to the machines because I'd squish his little fingers off.

Nixon is super weird about what he eats. I know 'they' say at his age babies can starting eating most of what you eat. Well..not him. Anything he give him he just gags. I gave him a banana a while ago and he refused which I thought it was weird because he eats bananas in a jar on a daily basis. Well, I gave it a try again this week and he loved it. Yahoo! One "real" food item down. A million to go...

I have been one of those strict moms how says that they will NOT change the car seat forward facing until the baby is one year old. Conner knew that I was like this and didn't really agree with it, but he knew he wouldn't win. However, Saturday he came up to me with a puppy dog face begging me to let him turn it around.He convinced me that it would be so great and Nixon would just love it, so I agreed. Conner was so anxious to see how Nixon would react. We both thought he would get a kick out of sitting forward facing. Well, after driving for 5 minutes with him forward facing we were regretting it. I think since he could see us he just wanted us so he would whine the whole time. Oh and we stopped at a drive thru to get ice cream. Not a good idea! NO eating in the car if Nixon could see it...he won't let you! He has been better and I think he really enjoys viewing the world in a totally different way! haha
 The first minute or two driving down the road was priceless. He had the funniest look on his face!

 Then he warmed up a little...

Saturday Conner let me choose for us to do whatever I wanted to do. So I decided to do this.... It was a pretty good night! :)
Conner makes fun of this face and says every high school girl has to have their pictures like this. So...we went for it. :)

Nixon has been so much fun lately. But...He has also been a HUGE pill and cries A LOT lately. I am hoping it is because he is teething and that he is not going to make this be his new lifestyle. Oh please goodness no!!!
A few days ago we got back from the gym and he just had had enough. Nothing was making him happy. I put him down for bed and he still just cried which was unusual because he usually just goes right to sleep. I felt sad for him so I picked him up and bounced him on the exercise ball. I Have said before how he doesn't cuddle but this time I put my hand on his head and held it on my shoulder. Normally he'd refuse and start crying. But this time within seconds he had fallen asleep. It was an absolute first! I even had tears coming. I waited so quitely without any movement for about 40 minutes for Conner to get home from the store and getting gas so he could take a picture to document history. I was in heaven. That for sure will go down in the top 10 moments with Nixon thus far!! :)

Anyways, was have just been loving life and keeping super busy. We are all doing very well and can't wait for school to wrap so we have a little more down time!
Until next time with oodles and noodles of love!


KK and Company said...

So so precious! You are the cutest mom... I just love it!!

I have to tell you... sometimes in the morning, I drink a hot chocolate at work. And over by the packets and water are bins FULL of coffee creamer. I decided to put some creamer in my hot chocolate, and I love it. And every time I add it in, I think of YOU. You loved to drink the creamer straight from the tiny containers. I love my creamer because it reminds me of you. So it has now become my Kylee creamer!

Malaree said...

He is so cute! That is so precious that he fell asleep on you! I remember at the Kay party you were amazed that Kayson would sleep on me and I am glad you got to experience it ha ha! Keep up the good work!

Annie Nielson said...

Nixon is too cute! Your not supposed to look that good after just getting done at the gym :)

Annie Nielson said...

I forgot--I still LOVE Nixon's crib and bedding. And I love that Connor put a face mask (err whatever they are called) on and the fishy face that all high school girls do is HILARIOUS!

Tannar and Maggie Rehrer said...

He is too cute! You guys are so cute I love it that Conner plays along! Tannar would never le me! and if by some chance he did.. He'd never let me take pictures!

Connie said...

I love that little domestic busy bee. I can't wait to see him, it feels like it's been forever!
P.S. I love you two too:)

Tannar and Maggie Rehrer said...

Oh yeah and I don't think you know this yet, but do you know that there is a chance that we'll be coming up there for school starting in the fall??? I'm not sure it you know that!!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Hahahaha the face masks are so funny. I love when the husbands will do things like this :) And how precious that Nixon fell asleep on you like that! Even though Cohen is getting more cuddly I'm not sure if he'd ever fall asleep in my arms! I love that you waited for connor to get home to take a pic.
Anyway thanks for your sweet comment about me feeling stuck with Cohen. It's good to know other moms go through similiar things. And hopefully Cohen will one day just start crawling! Yes we are going to be here all summer long, so we should go to the park and pool and play with our boys! Do you guys still want to go to spoon me??

Dave and Hayley said...

That is so cute about Nixon cuddling. I love babies that cuddle it's so cute!!!! And I love the face mask idea I wonder if I could get Dave to do that??? Worth a try!