Thursday, September 20, 2012

182 Days Old

UGH!!! I have a few pictures of Miss Adelyn Rosemary of her sitting on my entertainment center staring at me everyday. These pictures were taken of her at the hospital when she was first held by her big brother, and also some pictures when she was one week old. Seriously, my heart blows up when I look at those pictures. I honestly can not even describe how much that precious little girl means to me. I love her SO much. However, it is hard looking at those pictures of my brand new baby and now sitting here 6 writing a post of her big 6 month birthday. I can't believe it. Why does time have to be ticking on...Why can't we have even one day where time stands still? A day where we can really soak life in, and snuggle and love on our babies ALL day long!
Addie is the sweetest little girl. She is such a good baby. She has to tag along with us everywhere we go. How fun is it to be in a car seat going from here to there every day? Not very fun, right? (although, I don't think I would mind laying down being carried every where....being fed on command, changed on command, held on command, etc.....hmmm...) Anyways, she is always such a good sport and always has a big contagious smile on her face. Honestly, sometimes when I am holding her I have to watch myself because I just want to squeeze her! Even writing about this makes me want to get her out of bed and squeeze her! (too bad I really enjoy nap time though!) Well, I am sure you get my point. I LOVE my baby and there is NO doubt about that!!!

*For awhile now Addie will go up on all fours. She is SO close to crawling. She will get where ever she needs/wants to go by scooting, rolling, or making her own weird crawling movement.
* She is a big eater and would probably be totally happy with being fed a bottle and rice every hour on the hour. However, I don't want to pop so I try to spread it out a little longer than that! ;)
*She is always smiling. She has the cutest smile! Every time she sees her Daddy she really lights up, it is so sweet!
*She is crazy about Nixon, she hasn't told me this yet...but I can just tell! ;) 99% of her laughs are because of him. Nixon also loves to make her laugh. He will always ask me, "what her saying mom?"
*When she sees me with a bottle she flaps her arms like she is ready to fly to South America! She goes nuts!!!
*When she is sitting on the floor happily playing, she is good until we walk by her...and then she gets ticked because we walked by without picking her up.
*She is starting to be a mama's girl. When Conner is holding her and she sees me, she will squirm and fuss until she is in my arms. Kinda bitter sweet.
*She has been sleeping great! She wakes up between 6-8, drinks 4 ounces, and then goes back to bed for 1-3 hours. She also has 2-3 naps each day for a couple of hours.
*She has been sitting up for awhile now, but she has just started being able to go from laying down to sitting up on her own.
*She has been able to finally figure out how to put her binky in on her own.
*She LOVES her binky and her brown/pink cozy blanket. Her blanket is one of the first purchases (actually maybe THE first) at Gardner Village during Witches Night Out. I fell in love with it. I wasn't happy about the price tag, but I couldn't resist. I was hoping she would love it so I didn't waste the money buying it, and well...she does! She will always bury her head in it and roll her eyes back. WINNER!
*She tries to grab anything and everything that we are eating in front of her. There have been a few instances where a glass of milk, cereal, a dinner plate, or her bowl of food has dumped all over the place because of her lovely happy hands.
*She is NOT a snuggler. Nixon didn't snuggle with me either and I hoped and prayed Addie would be different. Well, she's not. The only time she will lay in my arms is when I am feeding her. After her bottle is gone I will try to get her to lay in my arms to snuggle but it will only last a couple of minutes. She loves to be up and in the action. She NEVER holds still.
* Have you ever wrestled a greased pig? Well, I haven't but I have seen it and it looks HARD. If you want to try without the mess and yuckiness of a greasy pig, then come on over to my place and change Adelyn's diaper. Same thing.
*She makes the funniest noises. Lately she will blow bubbles...well more like spit, and lots of it. She will growl, and she will also say mamamamamamama, and a high pitch 'happy voice' is what I will call it. Oh, that girl is funny!

At her six month appointment she weighed 16 whoppers and measured 26.5 inches tall.


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